MuslimParents.SG presents... CROSSROADS SYMPOSIUM: Post-Secondary Pathways for Muslim students.
Many Muslim students, both from secular and full-time madrasah schools, may sometimes not know of the different pathways available for them after the secondary or pre-university level. Hence MuslimParents.SG has invited multiple speakers from different backgrounds, all with diverse post-secondary education, to share how they did it, and what are the preparations required.
Questions like:
What subjects do I need to take to go for this course?
How much does this cost?
Do I need to take extra subjects from what is offered at my school?
All these and more will be shared by our guest speakers!
1. Overview (Speaker: Mdm Suli - has taught in both MOE and full-time madrasah)
2. From madrasah to Ukhrawi Tertiary Education (Speaker: Ustaz Syakir - studied in Madrasah Aljunied before continuing to Al-Azhar University)
3. From madrasah to poly to science degree in a local uni (Speaker: Sister Jannahh - studied at Madrasah Wak Tanjong Al-Islamiah before continuing to a local polytechnic and then pursuing a Science degree at Nanyang Technological University)
4. From madrasah to a JC to a local university (Speaker: Ukkasyah - studied at Madrasah Wak Tanjong before going to Yishun-Innova College and is currently in the faculty of Engineering at the National University of Singapore)
5. From secular school to Al-Azhar University (Speaker: Ustazah Noraini - studied at a secular secondary school before pursuing a degree from Al-Azhar University. Currently a counsellor and lecturer at PERGAS, pursuing a PhD)
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